How long will I need someone home with me after a TT?

I'm having my abdominoplasty done Feb 20. My husband got transferred to New Orleans and I'm staying here in Nashville for the time being. He's coming back Feb 18 and then leaving again Feb 23 or 24. I'll have to drive myself to most post-op doc appts. So I'm wondering how long I will need someone with me. Would it be doable for me to drive myself back a week post for the check-ups? I'm having the anchor incision if that helps in the answering. Thanks!    — Renee V. (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 29, 2003
If you come home with drains you will need help. I needed help drying off after showers. I held my drains while somebody dried me off. I was able to drive in one week.
   — MARSHA D.

January 30, 2003
I had my tt/lipo on 11/21/02, my live-in boyfriend stayed home for two days from work so he could help me. I am glad he did because there is no way I could have moved around without his help. Also, even if he had not helped me around, it was just nice having him near just in case.
   — twenc

January 30, 2003
I had an anchor incision TT and armlift surgery in Nov 2001. I was back to work in a full-time office position, and driving myself, in slightly over a week post-op. I had four lower abdominal drains which I pinned strategically to my underwear so that they wouldn't be noticeable under my clothing and had no problems at all. Even with the large incision, I was amazed at the lack of discomfort that I experienced with this surgery. However, I had a panniculectomy, which is just removal of excess skin and fat. Some patients require an abdominoplasty, which also includes work on the underlying abdominal muscles to repair hernias or tighten very relaxed muscles, and those patients traditionally experience more post-op discomfort than panniculectomy patients. Be certain that your surgeon explains exactly which type of procedure that he plans...that way you'll be more prepared for the degree of post-op discomfort that you might expect. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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