I found out 2 weeks ago when I was postop 4 weeks that I have a small leak.

The treatment that was prescribed is that I cannot have anything to eat or drink for 4 weeks. I receive all of my nutrition through a large bag of fluid known as TPN or Hyperal. I am hooked to an IV pump through a line in my chest and receive the fluid 14 hours a day. At the end of 4 weeks I am to have another upper GI and see if my stomach has sealed the leak. I wondered if anyone else has gone through this and if it worked for them. I was told there was a 90% chance that my stomach would heal on its own, but I am concerned about what the next step would be if it does not.    — Kay W. (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
What type of surgery did you have??
   — Stephanie D.

February 20, 2003
I had an open Roux-en-y
   — Kay W.

February 20, 2003
Were you transected and are you a smoker? At our last support group meeting it was mentioned smokers have more leaks. I am just curious. We have some like you occasionally, few require a surgical repair. Most heal over time. See the bottom of my profile Barb Thompsons book covers this, she had a leak. Good book. You will do fine just give it time.
   — bob-haller

February 20, 2003
I am not a smoker.
   — Kay W.

February 21, 2003
I had a small leak at about 1-3 weeks post op. My experience was running a constant fever, weakness and excessive fatigue, and excessive drainage both in the JP drain and aound it. The drainage would seep out almost constsntly. I continuously had to keep it covered to keep it from getting on my clothes. To top that off the drain site got infected as well. every time I drank something it would come right out around the drain site. I could only have ice chips for about a week during that time. A cat scan showed that it was a small leak at the top staple. I was lucky, because I was scared to death that I would need another surgery to repair it, but it sealed up on it's own. The drain site hole took a few more weeks to heal and close up on the outside. Keep your chin up, it sounds like you found it intime and it just may heal up without any sdditional treatment. swoods lap rny 12/17/02... 242/199/140
   — Sheryl W.

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