How many sizes can you expect to drop when you have a tummy tuck?

I am 220 pounds and need to be down to 170 pds when I have the tummy tuck. Also, is about 20 to 25 pounds how much you lose when you have a tummy tuck?    — Judy W. (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 20, 2003
hi there :) this is a good question that i hope gets several answers as im very curios my self. ill be having hernia repair along with the excess skin removal on my abdomen. i carried alot of my weight here so needless to say, thats my problem area and ill be glad to be rid of it!1 started at 5 9 370 now im 177 178 im still losin but slower and thats ok, i even fluctuate. you know with that time of the month thing and all. anyhow, i was in the doctors office and this lady had jst had a tt 3 weeks earlier. she was much shorter than i and i rememer her saying she had a starting weight of 420, she was now down to 250, her tt took 20 lbs off of her. being that i have alot of excess here im hoping for the same but the surgeon estimated 10lbs for me. the more i thought about it i was like" na.. really? i have alot there so i bet itll be 20" but then you gatta think, muscle weighs more than fat, fat weighs more than empty sagging skin so we shall see, ill just be excited with the inches it takes away. i look pretty slim now and will be so glad when that is gone. jeans will fit so much better!!! good luck to you and me!!! my day is march 27 and i cant wait to get it all over with and begin the healing process. :)
   — carrie M.

March 20, 2003
my surgeon said the average person only has 5-7 lbs of excess skin removed but i personally know someone who lost 100 lbs and had 17 lbs of skin removed.
   — Delores S.

March 20, 2003
I had 15 pounds of skin removed with my TT and went down 2 sizes..close to 3..i had skinny legs but my belly was the was so nice to be able to wear pants and look normal! lol
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 20, 2003
I had my tt/mr/br on December 2nd. and I went from a size 4 to a size 0 in my jeans and for my tops I wear xs and sm I also had revision's to extend my tt scar around my back to give me a butt lift and my ps took off about 5 to 6 pounds of extra skin when he did that, he also took the extra puckers of skin from the ends of my breast reduction incision's , I get the rest of my butt tuck next friday, so far I have gotten half my butt done and the right side of my breast incision's, he couldn't do it all at once because it was done in the office under local and it would put pressure on my heart if he continued last week when he did my right side, so I have one tight butt cheek and one droopy one right now...LOL!!!!
   — bikerchic

March 20, 2003
I went from a size 10 to a size 8 and had 7 1/2 pounds of skin removed... but this included the breast lift and the lower body lift, so just the tummy was maybe 4 or 5? That was where the most skin was.
   — mom2jtx3

March 20, 2003
I had a belt lipectomy with hernia repair on 2/18/03. The day of my surgery I weighed 218 and 20 pounds were removed during surgery. I've lost 12 inches in my hips so far. I say so far because there is still some swelling. As far as sizes I was wearing a tight 20/22 in pants and right now, with swelling I can wear a 16/18.
   — Pamela B.

March 21, 2003
Hi I am 5 weeks post op from a tummy tuck, which went all the way around. I was 230 when I had open RNY in july of 2001. I lost 110 lbs and was a size 0. They took off 7-8 lbs of skin and I am still a size 0. I didn't loose any weight really I am now 116 lbs!
   — Jennifer L.

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