Has anyone not had a period since their surgery?

I had one which I was 2 days late and then this one I am a week so far.    — haleyre1 (posted on June 15, 2003)

June 15, 2003
I got my period right after surgery and then not at all for three months. Since then it has been very regular and I am now 5 months post op. I asked the doctor if this was normal and the answer was yes.
   — Carol S.

June 15, 2003
I didnt have reg periods prior to surgery in fact mine were soo un real and either i wouldnt have one for months or i would have one for months but after surgery which was in dec 01 i didnt have a period then come april 02 my body decided i was gonna start having them again and i would have one like every 5-6 weeks and then 4-5 weeks then once a month now i have them faithfully every single month (28-30 days) and be careful cuz once you start having them you can get prego too i ended up being pregnant on my 10 mo po unfortunalty i had a miscarriage but it was still amazing to know that i could get pregnant after being infertile for 15 yrs...also remember your body has been truamatized by surgery so give it time to regroup you will have urs reg soon enough good luck to you!
   — Deanna Wise

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