When I eat, whatever I eat I have a hard time with it going down.

For the past two weeks whatever I eat I have the worst time with it going down. It feels like this awful burning sensation the whole time it's going down. Sometime it comes back up and then all I can do is spit up for the next half hour. Has anyone else experienced this. My Dr. want's me to get an upper endoscopy. Any comments????????    — Rhonda C. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
Thats funny , i guess it is common , i posted teh same question today - i can only maintian frozen popsicles and per some suggestions i got backon baby food and i havent hada problem today -the food is just nasty . i have been able to keep it down though. iget burning sensation with spicy soup broth but every thing else just feel s like i swallowed pebbles-i guess i'm still in the healing process-Good Luck
   — KENDRA B.

July 16, 2003
Sounds like some of the problems that I was having......I had 2 strictures but it is an easy fix and it is a common complication......They do the endoscopy and dilate the narrowed feel better immediately.
   — jennifer A.

July 16, 2003
Hi I had the same problem at first, nad had to have an endoscope done to. It wasn't a stricture though, my doc found out that I had acid build up in my throat that was causing me to feel the exact same as you are now so he then put me on nexium and that helps a great deal! Good Luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

July 16, 2003
Have the endoscopy done - that is the only way the docs will know for sure what the problem is and you want to fix it now, just in case it could be the beginning of an ulcer or a stricture. The endoscopoy is no big deal!
   — Patty_Butler

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