
07/16/03 -11:43 pm Hello you all. I was just approved today for TT and Thigh lift. I am appealing arm lift, hip lift, and mastopexy. I am just so thrilled to be getting anything covered by Independence Blue Cross at all.<br><p> I wanted to know if anyone has had TT and Thigh lift at the same time and if so how bad was it. Please either post on here on send private email. Thank you in advance for your reply.<br><p> Teena Adler<br><p> [email protected]<br><p> Lap RNY - 06/06/02 - Dr. McCarty @ BUMC<br><p> Internal Hernia Repair - 04/18/03 - Dr. McCarty @ BUMC<br><p> Pre op weight: 305 - Current- weight: 160 -145 lbs<br><p> Goal weight: 150 =10 lbs. more to lose<br><p> Approved for TT and Thigh Lift 7/16/03 - Surgeon:Dr. Pownell<br><p><br><p><br><p>    — Teena A. (posted on July 17, 2003)

July 17, 2003
I had both done at the same time. There wasn't a lot of pain, really, but a lot of discomfort. I was on perocets for a few weeks. There was a complication but I'm fine now. The incesion opened on my back and I had to stay out of work for an extra month. This all happened back in October of 2002. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but definitely don't push yourself to hurry back to work.
   — Anna F.

July 18, 2003
I had both together and got through it but it was rough. The drain tubes (4 of them) about drove me crazy! Going to the bathroom was the roughest part, you feel like your gonna split wide open. It's barely been 3 months and it seems like forever ago, I'd do it again cause it has made all the difference. Be strong, you'll be fine.
   — connie R.

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