Hi, fitness trainer in Palm Beach County, Florida

Does anyone know a good reasonible and reliable fitness trainer, that can work with me, doing strength training and toning,to get my metabolism going and lose a bit faster then what im losing. if so please let me know. I received a e-mail from a post-op person, i have no clue who, and they told me walking was not helping with my metobolism, just strengthing my heart, and i need cardio workouts, or if anyone knows what to do to get my metabolism going by some other exercising, please let me know. Thanks alot    — sexysag37 (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
Hi,I'm a Water exercise instructor and functional fitness instructor at my local YMCA...You really need to do weight training and or resistance training to raise your metabolism...not cardio.Building lean muscle will burn fat and calories all day long where Cardio exercise is WONDERFUL for your cario pulminary system, it only burns calories while you are doing them. Vitabands are an easy, effective and convenient form of resistance training and muscle strengthening. Water exercise is another WONDERFUL way to get resistance training AND cardio if you so wish. Another little tip is to do your weight or resistance training in the beginning of your day...Working your muscles first thing in the morning will boost your metabolism and keep it higher throughout the day. If I can be of ANY help please feel free to e-mail me!!!
   — Deanna_K

July 31, 2003
There are many resistance things that you can do while walking to build muscle. Hold your arms at goal post or wear wrist weights. When you walk take longer deeper strides like squats occasionally. You will feel the burn. You only need to see a trainer once or twice to learn how to properly use free weights at home to strengthen your upper body. It would probably be worth the dough to learn how to do it properly.
   — Carol S.

July 31, 2003
Rita, is there a Curves for Women or a Fit for a Lady near you? They are women only little gyms with cool machines to work out on. I just joined and LOVE it. Jamie
   — Jamie M.

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