has anyone experience bad acne problems after surgery

   — Tanya W. (posted on October 7, 2003)

October 7, 2003
I never had any acne problems before my surgery. Now, it's awful! I am constantly breaking out on my face, my back and other weird places. My doc says it is because of the extra hormones released from losing the weight and he gave me some antibiotics that seem to work well. It's defintely not one of the FUN side effects!
   — Melissa M.

October 8, 2003
I've been dealing with bad acne as well. I'm 8 1/2 months post op and I've been dealing with this for about the last 4 months. I had acne in high school but nowhere near as bad as this. I'm on tetracycline as well now, it seems to help somewhat and its cheap. I did some research on this a few months ago and I found many people had the same experience. It is from the release of hormones (that were previously stored in fat) into your system after/during signficant weight loss. It does eventually go away but not a day too soon I tell ya!
   — Jen L.

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