At two months the hair is starting to fall out :-( Well I knew it was going to

happen, but not this early :-( What's the level of protein that we are suppose to be taking in??? I know for a fact I'm not taking in a much as I should. I tried the protein drinks and Can't stomach them ????? How long will this last ???? Good thing I have a thick head of hair and it's long, I thinking should I just cut it short now or wait???? Barbara    — Barbara F. (posted on November 3, 2003)

November 3, 2003
Hi Barbara, at 11 months, I'm still losing hair, and also had thick hair, so still looks okay. I'm answering your question, because I, too, have have hated every protein drink or bar I have tried until I found one just recently. It was recommended to me by my dietitian and is called ON protein drink available at GNC. It comes in like double chocolate, vanilla ice cream, and strawberry. I've only tried the chocolate. I can't say it's GOOD, but it is acceptable. I mix it with water (as little as possible, so there's less to drink down). One scoop is 23 grams of protein. I've been mixing up l 1/2 scoops, which i figure as 35 grams. It's kind of watery chocolate, but doesn't have the Yucky taste found in most protein drinks. It's fairly low in calories and carbs. Finding a good protein source has been my hardest challenge. ALso have found some Zone bars are okay - double chocolate, carmel cluster, and chocolate vanilla cream. Good luck on your protein search. Donna Stephen, 11 mos out, -110 lbs.
   — Donna S.

November 3, 2003
Eleven months and still losing hair??? Yikes! I'm 4 mos out and have really started to see the big loss (in hair that is - haven't lost a pound in almost 6 weeks)I've upped my protein, which is difficult especially if you don't like the drinks. I've found a couple of things that may do well for you. GNC also has 100% Whey that comes in choc, van, straw. You can mix it with a spoon and it will disolve. I put it in the blender with ice, 8 oz of water, 1 1/2 scoops (30 g protein) and mix. The chocolate is really not that bad at all; it is pretty chocolatey though. The other thing that I've discovered is something called Carb Countdown. You find it in with the milk at super wal mart. I've heard there was regular (which would be great for mixing sf pudding) and I bought the chocolate. It has 12 g protein, 4.5 fat, 3 carbs; mix it in the blender with ice. While the blender is running mix a scoop of GNC Soy Protein with Solae brand soy protein (unflavored/unsweetened) and that will boost your protein antoher 13 grams. The great thing about GNC is that if you don't like something you can return it (within 30 days) and they don't give you any hassle. Hang in there!
   — Pambylah

November 3, 2003
I drink two protein shakes a day - Champion Nutrition Protein Whey Stack Chocolate - and have so since about my 4th month or so. I've used a couple of other brands during this time but keep coming back to this one because I really like the taste and actually look forward to having them. I mix about 10 oz of water, 6 ice cubes and 1-1/2 scope to get my 30 gms in each shake. I began losing my hair in the 4th month too, but the loss picked up in my 6th month. I'm now just starting my 9th month and the loss is substantially decreased by not totally done. From what I've read, protein is only one of the reasons that we lose hair - stress from the surgery and the rapid weight loss also are reasons. I also take 1 hair and skin vitamin a day. I don't know if anything really helps or not but I just continue to do what I hope will help and keep myself healthy nutritionally. Good luck with your loses (hair and weight!)
   — Judy R.

November 3, 2003
I read about a month ago that someone used Nexus Vitatress . . . it is a 3 part system Shampoo,Condition and Vitamins (with Biotin) within two my weeks hair stop falling out. I bought it mine at a JCPenny hair salon b/c I new they sold Nexus products . . . It is great!!! Good Luck! Michele :) RNY 6/6/03 -92
   — Michele D.

November 3, 2003
My hair is or was very thick and long. I cut it to just below my shoulders 1 month post op. I did everything by the book - protein, good shampoos, extra zinc etc and my hair is still falling out. The archives are full of others who did all of the recommended protein, zinc, special expensive shampoos etc, and their hair still fell out. Some people on this website took perscription hair growth meds - none of it worked. Sometimes trying at least makes you feel better, but don't let it get the better of your wallet. My Doctor has us on 65grams of protein per day plus extra zinc (for hair). I started losing hair at 3 mos and I am still losing gobs of hair at 7 mos. The good thing is that some of my hair is starting to grow back, but the replacement hair is gray.
   — M B.

November 3, 2003
Barbara: I did everything by the book. I get in about 100 grams of good/absorbable whey protein a day. My hair started falling out at the end of 2 months...and it just stopped this month. I'm almost 7 months post-op. It was distressing, but I cut it shorter, changed the style & recently colored it and it's doing wonderfully. You can see how long & thick it was pre-op when you look at the before picture on my profile. I will soon update with an after picture so you can see how it looks now. It's starting to get thicker again. Don't waste your money on expensive products that will just deplete your bank account. It will fall out, then it will stop and start to re-grow. My hair looks better everyday! I do suggest a shorter cut, extra detangler so you're not pulling when you comb, use a wide-tooth comb & wash it less often (every other day if you can help it). Don't all gets better!
   — Amy A.

November 3, 2003
I think if you're going to lose some hair, you're going to lose it, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. They don't really know why we lose some hair, and it's not a big enough problem to warrant serious medical research (since it IS temporary, and will grow back). Some say it's just a stress reaction, some say it's the anesthesia, some say lack of protein, some say iron deficiency, or zinc deficiency, or whatever. From the very beginning, I got enough protein, and took extra vitamins for hair, nails and skin, and mine still fell out. It started at 2 1/2 months out, and is just now stopping at 7 months. Still get all your protein and vitamins because you need them. And, don't sweat the hair loss too much (I know, easy ror me to say). It will stop, and your hair will grow back. Regarding whether to cut your hair or not: see if the hair loss gets noticeable. I cut mine because it was getting really thin. But, now I'm glad I did because I like the new style, and lots of people have complimented me on it.
   — Vespa R.

November 3, 2003
I started losing at month 2. Here in month 4, it is starting to slow, knock on wood.
   — mrsmyranow

November 3, 2003
Mine started falling out around the second month. And it continued for a year and a half. Everyones situation is different. Me for example, I had three surgeries during that year and a half. Every time the hair loss would slow....boom lets have another surgery to screw that up for you! Anyhow, I have really thick hair too and I lost about a third of it. You really couldnt tell until it started to grow back in. I have straight hair and the little baby hairs would stick straight up!
   — RebeccaP

November 4, 2003
Its pretty well established now that protein is not the issue at all, its how the body handles the stress of the surgery and especially the anesthesia. I'm feeling for you! - Deborah (open RNY 10-25-03 -23 lbs)
   — Deborah M.

November 4, 2003
I was told at my surgeons office before my WLS that hair loss would be very common because your body is trying to heal from the inside out and unfortunitly our hair comes last. We've put our bodies thru a traumatic experience, so, your hair is one of the last things to get anything leftovers, if any. Hopefully I won't lose much I already have very thin hair. Patricia 9-30-03 314/272/190
   — pateblkbrn

November 10, 2008
As far as protein I have found that if you mix 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 8oz cold water, 1 tbs peanut butter, and about 4 ice cubes and blend them it tastes the same way a peanut butter milkshake would!! I did some experimentation before my surgery because they all tasted like crap to me also. Good luck!!
   — LauraMarie

July 7, 2010
I am 12 weeks out and not losing any hair..I take my liquid biometics vitamins, selenium, flax oil, calcium and Vit D. I can't eat meat yet and I know I am not getting enough protein. I mostly eat fruit...cherries, watermelon or part of a necterine. Today I did manage to get down a half of a ham sandwich minus the bread, so meat, chees and a bit of lettuce and tomato. I need to find a way to make the protein shakes that taste better until I can eat more meat. Right now I puke meat back up..even one bite. Any suggestions??
   — tfqh99

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