No one seems to know anything regarding dosing and absorption for anto-depressants.

Can anyone offer their experience with this question?    — Denys K. (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 23, 2003
I was taking 400mg of Wellbutrin SR before surgery. For the first 3 months after surgery, I had to switch to non SR because of the malabsorption. I'm almost 5 months out now and doing fine with the SR again. It really depends on what medicine you're taking, and I think your surgeon is the best source of advice.
   — preferably A.

November 23, 2003
Ditto on the Welbutrin SR to Welbutrin.
   — Danmark

November 23, 2003
I had been doing 60mg of Celexa for about 3 years before surgery with excellent control of my depression. I kept up with this dose after surgery. Finally about 8-1/2 to 9 months I had a meltdown and we realized that maybe I wasn't absorbing all of my Celexa. The doc increased it to 80mg and now I'm back to feeling good. When I think back it already started to surface at around 6 months but the problems would get pushed back down and it wasn't until it would not leave me alone that it became obvious that something was wrong. I was stressing on how to transition to maintenance and whether it was safe to always eat at least 50% protein as I was scared to eat more carbs than protein etc. While these are important and scary to me they had sort of gotten out of control and become huge issues instead of just issues. By talking to my counselor, psychiatrist, WL surgeon and bariatric nurse at the hospital I was able to put some perspective on things. That and getting my 9 month blood work and it showing my protein levels and everything else was good really helped. I'm approaching goal weight way faster than any of us ever anticipated so that's why I was sort of freaking. I'm still 45 lbs away but that means I've already lost 80% of the weight I need to lose, so it's much closer than farther away. <p>Definitely stay tuned into your body and emotions and how you are handling things. That will be the key to let you know what is going on with your meds. Try not to let it get so out of hand before getting in to see the doc. Some emotional ups and downs is normal after a major surgery and especially this surgery as it causes such major changes and fast. But don't go it alone if you are feeling down a lot. Use those medical resources you have and get some help! I'm sure glad I did!
   — zoedogcbr

November 23, 2003
Sometimes it is trial and error; I don't think there is any set "formula" to calculate how much you need. I am a year post RNY, and recently upped my Celexa from 10mg to 20 mg with excellent results. My DH had surgery in April and is on Wellbutrin XL 150mg daily, and that works well for him.
   — koogy

November 24, 2003
A word of caution about taking over the recommended amount of an antidepressant, especially after WLS. For instance taking over 40mg of Celexa isn't recommended because it can cause liver damage or spark a manic episode. I would encourage you to see a psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist -- they are specialists who should :) know and understand the intricacies of these drugs. When you do see a psychiatrist, find one that you click with. Someone who will answer your questions, is warm, available, and wants to understand where you are coming from. Sometimes it helps to have your blood levels checked, that way you can tell if you have a therapeutic level of the medication in your bloodstream. Finding the right drug is difficult for many people -- regardless of if they've had WLS or not. Don't give up! Good luck.
   — Amy M.

November 24, 2003
Amy, my 80 mg's is prescribe my a psychiatrist that I have worked with for about 4 years. We got to the 60mg dose, which is still a recommended dose by the manufacturer, very slowly and cautiously. I have had lots of blood tests before and after surgery and everything is as normal as can be. I will have my 12 month blood work in a little over 2 months and they will be able to check for any issues with the increased dosage. The bottom line is, I must not have been absorbing the full 60mg's because if I was then I should have been fine, since it was fine for over 3 years. <p>Everyone's body uses medication differently and as long as it is done in a reasonable manner and they are watched medically there should be no problem. I would not switch to another medication because I am so controlled by Celexa and has basically no side effects for me. I've tried about 4 others and this is by far the best. Mixing multiple anti-depressants can be just as iffy as exceeding the max recommended dose. My doc's done good by me so far and see's me regularly so I'm not worried that I will be safe and watched. If I have any problems he's just a phone call away. Unfortunately there is no blood test to determine what the therapeutic circulating amount should be as some are find on 10mg and some many many more.
   — zoedogcbr

November 24, 2003
Low dose of Prozac (10 mg) before and after. Still seems to be working wonderfully - no problems with it.
   — ethoms

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