On Tummy Tucks: Why are some people more flat after a TT than others?

I had a TT (with lower body lift) on Dec. 19. I am happy with the results, but I'm not nearly as flat as some other two week post-op pictures I have seen. I have an e-mail friend who sent me her 5 day post-op pictures, and she is TOTALLY FLAT! I don't have that hanging skin anymore, but my stomach is more rounded, not flat. I'm not unhappy, I just want to be as flat as she is! Are some of us just made differently? Are our abdomens shaped in different ways? My surgeon said that in about two and 1/2 months he will go in and lipo any uneveness from the lower body lift, but will this help on my stomach as well? Does anyone else out there have less than a flat stomach after TT? Again - I'm still thrilled with what I have - just wanted a little more flatness!    — raye (posted on January 7, 2004)

January 7, 2004
I had an anchor cut and horizontal as well as muscle tightening (full abodminoplasty). But, i am not totally happy with the results! I only had 5 lb or less removed, too!!!! The upper abdomen has always been a little loose - my surgeon says this is because he had to create an artificial belly button unexpectedly b/c the blood flow to the umbilicus was involved with the incisional hernia that was being repaired at the same time. Now, my lower belly is too loose, IMHO. It doesn't 'hang', but I can pick skin up, especially when sitting. It is slightly round when standing - but pretty 'flat'. I don't mind a little roundness - I like that shape. But, I DON'T like the extra skin when I sit (or bend over). My surgeon has already agreed to a revision of the upper portion (going for that this summer), but I will also insist on something being done to the lower portion. It is tight in the middle, but looser around the sides (I have a little 'dog ear' on either side, too). I think this is because my surgeon was very conservative with the lower (horizontal) cut... he didn't even extend it to my hips. It's like a c-section scar (and I have the vertical up and down scar from the anchor incision). he said he would extend the anchor up more to help correct the upper belly... I want some lipo or something done to help the lower half as well. I personally didn't expect to be totally flat or totally toned -- but I didn't want any skin that I could pinch a significant amount of! Especially since I did not have a lot removed! All the best, Teresa
   — Teresa N.

January 8, 2004
Well, maybe your friend just didn't have as much swelling as you do. I have read it can take as long as 6 months after a TT to see the final results, so please don't be too discouraged right now. Also, like the previous posters said, maybe the surgeon was being conservative and just didn't pull as tight.
   — Ali M

January 9, 2004
I was so glad to see this post !!!! I had a full abdominoplasty 2 yrs. ago in March and I'm not happy with mine either!! The first week or two, it was tight and flat. Then, I had a seroma that had to be drained every few days (not fun) so it took longer to heal. My surgeon said maybe the build-up of fluid made it harder for my new tight abdominal wall to "lie down" flat like it should have. Makes sense, but it doesn't really help me now, does it? He said he can go back in and do some lipo to flatten it out, but I really don't want to go through another surgery. Now, compared to pre-op where my tummy hung over like an apron, it looks TONS better, BUT, it's not flat as a pancake like I though it would be for $6.000 !!!!!! Insurance didn't pay. So, what I have is a little "pooch" which looks like I'm 2-3 months pregnant all the time. I hate looking down and seeing that, or seeing it in my clothes. It also gets really tight feeling and swollen during the day - mostly at the end which I find strange this far out. Im thinking of going for a second opinion to a different plastic surgeon to see what can be done. Maybe I'll fix it one day, but who knows. I'm at goal weight, but I'm trying to lose about 10 more lbs. in hopes of flattening out my tummy! Best wishes to everyone! Michelle in Fl.
   — michelle T.

January 13, 2004
I had a hip to hip abdominoplasty in August of 2002 and my stomach is as flat as can be. I think a lot of it depends on your surgeon. My surgeon wanted me to have a small belly so he really pulled the excess skin and cut it so it would be really tight. I'm VERY thankful that he did. I also had 3 seromas that I had to have drained right after surgery but have still maintained the look. I've not had any need for lipo.
   — Patty H.

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