Has anyone had problems with blood work having to much bacteria?

I am 3months out and I have been told on two different times that i was positive for bacteria and had to take a helidac pac to cure the bacteria so is this common or do i need to go a little futher with the doc please help i am geeting scared thanks    — carolyn B. (posted on February 21, 2004)

February 20, 2004
I would be asking the Dr more info about that I have never herd of that b-4 good luck Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

February 20, 2004
Hi Carolyn, <br> Which doctor is treating you for this bacteria...your surgeon or your pcp? If it's your surgeon, I would see my pcp.<br> Bacteria in the blood is from an infection somewhere else in the body. It could be that the antibiotic the doctor is giving you is not getting rid of the underlying infection. You need to have test done that will get at the basis of the infection. Have you been sick otherwise? Do you have any painful or tender areas that you've been ignoring? You really do need to have this evalutated further. <br> Hope you feel better soon. <br> Linda
   — Linda S.

February 20, 2004
to add to the others... the H-pylori bacteria can show up positive in your blood for years after treatment. After you take the antibotics your MD should test you with a breath test since the blood test would be inaccurate.
   — jenafwife

August 20, 2004
I have the bacteria problem in the blocked off section of my bypassed intestine. After years of being on antibiotics, I discovered liquid colloidal silver and am gradually coming off antibiotics. I ordered it $25 for a gallon from the website And, no, you won't turn silver from taking it in this form. Pharmaceutical companies want you to think that but I've talked with people who have used it for over 10 years and they are fine. It kills the bacteria and my quality of life has greatly improved. Patti
   — pmscom

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