Update on my grocery store job

Awhile ago I posted that I was thinking of getting a part time job at a grocery store for exercise. Well its been a few weeks now and I thought I would update everyone on how its going. This brand new store is extremely busy and so are its workers. Last sunday I started work at 8 AM putting stuff on display and worked non stop without a break till after 1pm, when I became a klutz, no doubt from lack of food and water. I mean I flew with 2 liters of coke and other heavy stuff continiously. Could of never done this pre op. Taking a break I bought some meat balls and the deli person got talking about WLS. I filled her in she thought people had to be 200 pounds overweight to get insurance to cover the surgery. She is heavy enough for WLS but says she is healthy. I have become a minor celebrity with people talking about my before and after pictures the ones on my profile. Oddly enough being around all that food hasnt made me hungry. A matter of fact I have less appetite than before getting the job. Although the bakery calls to me:( I HAVE RESISTED! The other night I moved one of those huge baked goods holders for the first time. They are hard to control and I NEARLY took out their wedding cake display:( Maybe my body wanted revenge for all those calories on display:) It was a very near thing.... I am actually eating so little Jen is concerned I could make myself ill. I do admit after running my full time business and 30 go go hours at festival I am sore and exhausted. So I cut the hours too 2 nites a week. I miss spending time with jen and besides the $6 a hour is nice but I have a vacant rental house I MUST get rented thats worth over $800 a month. So I need to spend my time where its most valuable. I told the manager I would increase my hours again soon. I actually like being busy the time goes by very fast. Oh I lost 4 or 5 pounds since I started:) Thanks for the encouragement. For you wrocery store workers I have new respect for how hard you work and wonder if I would of been a lot healthier / lighter if when I was in high school I would of worked at a grocery store. You know in my entire life I have NEVER been able to do a chin up. My best friend is over 70 years old thinks that funny because he can. Well awhile ago he put me on a scale and watched me pull for all I am worth. I weghed 45 pounds while pulling. Tried that yesterday I improved it to 25 pounds. With more exercise one day I will do a chin up. Thanks and have a great day!    — bob-haller (posted on March 4, 2004)

March 4, 2004
Hi Bob. I am so happy for you. I have no doubt that soon you will be able to do a chin-up. Thanks for the great update. :-)
   — artistmama

March 4, 2004
Bob, I could NEVER work in a grocery store. That bakery wouldn't just call to me, it would shout! Please heed Jen and take the time to stick to a good eating schedule. The last thing you need right now is to get sick or wear your resistance down. Congrats!!
   — Cindy R.

March 4, 2004
Hi Bob, so enjoyed your post, read your profile you and your wife sound like a precious couple, it is wonderful that you help so many others, not just on here, but everywhere you can. Would love to hear more about how Jen is doing, can she update her profile? I too work in retail, after retiring for about 2 months I work partime at a outlet store about 1/2 mile from my house and stand on my feet for hours which I never could have done with an extra 140 pounds on me. I feel so blessed to have had this surgery and feel so good not bad for this 62 year young grandma of 11, God Bless you and Jen, Suzie open rny oct 01 278/140ish 5 5 1/2
   — lostitall

March 6, 2004
Congratulations!! Thanks for the update.
   — Sasha

March 6, 2004
Hi, Today a member here recognized me at festival foods. I WISH I could of talked longer, the store was pretty busy. I wrote down her name and lost my note or I would of identified here here:( Sorry. I do hope she drops me a e mail, I met her parents briefly too:) <P> As for Jen although she didnt get to goal her health problems nearly all disappeared and today she weighs about a 100 pounds less than pre op. Just recently Jen and Linda Dovey also a member here and a good friend have started exercising together tuesday and thursday evenings. They use big inflated balls that look like a beach ball. So I decided these nights are my exercise nights too at festval. I get paid :):) For my efforts!!! <P> I coukld of NEVER done this pre op, I would of keeled over. I am actually enjoying the fast paceed activities, but 30 hours weekly was too much. Hey I have so much to do!
   — bob-haller

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