Pain after abdomino/hernia repair

I had an extended abdominoplasty (anchor incision with muscle tightening) and hernia repair with mesh on Feb3. Its been 7 weeks today. I thought the initial surgery a piece of cake compared to open RNY. But the recovery has been an entirely different story. Im still having a burning sensation most of the time. Some times it can bring tears to my eyes. Im not sure if its the new belly button he made me or the hernia mesh which is the culprit. The drains only stayed in 7 days. no fluid problems what so ever. The hernia surgeon checked it with a needle for fluid. Anyhow Ive noticed several people mentioning binders and it was never mentioned to me by my plastic or hernia surgeon. I thought he may want me to use those muscles as soon as possible. Anyhow, still having pain--anyone else experience this????    — Marilayne M. (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 25, 2004
Hi, I had panniculectomy with hernia repair (with mesh) on 1/26 and it was very painful. I had a massive hernia and my mesh was done lap. The piece of mesh is the size of a legal pad. I can feel the mesh even now. I went back to work 4 days ago and my ribs were hurting so bad. I have worn my binder every day since and it is much better with the binder. I find it difficult to believe that your surgeon didn't advise you to wear one. They help support so much! I woke up with one on after surgery. By the way, we have such similar weight loss! My drains only stayed in for four days. I am flat on the bottom and sticking out some on top too. Do you think it is fluid? I couldn't have a full TT because of the mesh and the doctor didn't want to put a strain on it by pulling the skin too tight. He did remove 8 lbs of fat and skin from my abdomen. Good luck and check out my profile for more details.
   — Mylou52

March 25, 2004
I'm only 9 days out from TT with hernia repair and I understand your "burning" sensation. I too am surprised you did not have a binder when you awoke. For me, it's just as necessary now as it was when I had my RNY. It doesn't take all the pain away, it just makes what you have a bit more managable. With such a large piece of mesh inside, I would give it a few more weeks to heal and for your body to adjust. Good luck.
   — missesrita

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