Has anyone had a pinched nerve due to excess skin?

I have been having numbness on my right outter thigh, along with sharp pains(like Burning), and a streatching sensation. My PCP thinks it may be a pinched nerve due to all of my excess skin on my hips and tummy area. Has this ever happend to anyone else? I have an appointment with a specialist on Monday, but I am just curious if this has hapened to anyone else, and if so,what they did to correct it?    — Tonya W. (posted on March 24, 2004)

March 24, 2004
Have you had your blood levels checked lately? Deficiencies like B-12 can have the same symptoms and if not taken care of immediately can be permanent damage.
   — jenafwife

March 24, 2004
I had my surgery last February and have been going through what you are explaining since about August/September. I went to a neurologiest and he diagnosed femoral neuropathy caused by the rapid weight loss. He tried a couple of meds with no results. I then went to a pain clinic and they tried a nervee block a couple of times with no results. Now, I'm back to trying to find a medication that works again. Meanwhile, my PCP said he will look unto neurosurgery to sever the nerve - he said it wouldn't do anything to me besides give me a numb spot and finally, perhaps, relief from the pain. Something has to be done. Enough already.
   — kathyb

March 24, 2004
This is called MERALGIA PARESTHETICA...It's similiar to sciatica but it deals with a different type of nerve "Nerves must pass over, under, around and through your joints, bones, and muscles. Usually, there is enough room to permit easy passage. But swelling, trauma, or pressure can narrow these openings and squeeze the nerve. When that happens, pain, , or other dysfunction may result. A painful, burning sensation on the outer side of the thigh may mean that one of the large sensory nerves (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) that run from your groin to your legs is being compressed.This is a superficial nerve. This condition is known as meralgia paresthetica .Signs and Symptoms are Pain on the outer side of the thigh, occasionally extending to the outer side of the knee A burning sensation, tingling, or numbness in the same area Occasionally, aching in the groin area or pain spreading across the buttocks Usually only on one side of the body Usually more sensitive to light touch than to firm pressure Diagnosis During a physical examination, your physician will ask about recent surgeries, injury to the hip, or repetitive activities that could irritate the nerve. Restrictive clothing,recent surgery because of positioning in the table,being overweight and excess skin especially in the stomach area are common reasons for pressure on this nerve.Treatments will vary, depending on the source of the pressure. It may take time for the burning pain to stop and, in some cases, numbness will persist despite treatment. The goal is to remove the cause of the compression.In more severe cases, your physician may give you an injection of a corticosteroid preparation to reduce inflammation. This generally relieves the symptoms for some time. In rare cases, surgery is needed to release the nerve." I have had this for years due to being overweight and it has improved some with the weightloss however it still continues due to the weight of the excess skin now in my tummy area.Over the counter capaisin cream applied to the area is very effective in temporarily alleviating the pain of this.
   — jennifer A.

March 24, 2004
I had this happen when I had completed my RNY...JUST AFTER SURGERY, it lasted about 2 months and then with exercise and massage it went away. Please try giving it some time before you sever any nerves...Just a suggestion.
   — Lynn S.

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