Why do I feel so bad?

I am 9 months post op and feeling bad. I am 5'10 and I started out at 297. I now weigh 144. Last Monday I had a bad spell with major pain aound my breast bone and it went down under both ribs. It also hurt all the way thru my back. I went to the E.R. and the admitted me. The ER Dr. thought that I had a blockage. My Dr. thought it was gallbladder. They done a ultra sound and a hida scan. Both showed up neg. I came home Wed. night still not knowing what was wrong. I have felt bad every since. No energy at all. I got up Sat. morning and started to the bathroom when my daughter was screaming at me. I woke up in the bathroom floor. I must have fainted. That is a bad feeling. Now when I stand up I feel like it is gonna happen again. I am drinking something all the time alone with protein shakes. I really think that I am getting in enough of protein and water. My Dr. acted like a real smast ? and was concerned. Any advace would help. I thought about finding a new Dr. Thanks in advance for all the answers.    — LeeAnn W. (posted on July 4, 2004)

July 4, 2004
LeeAnn: So sorry to hear you're having problems. Don't let up on the doctor until they find out what your problem is. Have you had blood work done along with the other tests? Keep bugging your doc until he finds the answer. Best wishes.
   — Carlita

July 4, 2004
I remember reading a profile recently where a post op patient was having a problem with fainting and it was because her heart beat rate was low....I don't think it was bad it was because she is finally at a healthy weight so her heart is not stressing so much. Maybe something to look into. Also did either doctor check your blood for iron or potassium deficiency(sp)(?) I agree with the previous post dont let up until someone gives you answers dont let them convince you that it is all in your head. Good luck and let us know what happened?
   — davesband1

July 4, 2004
Thanks for you answers. I had blood work done at the Er. Iron was still low. I have taken iron med. since 6 months. Also, blood pressure was low the hole time in the hospital. I think the highest it got was 96/52.. The lowest it got was 62/38. The Dr. said nothing to worry about until I passed out while up moving. The whole time in the hospital in was in the bed. I'm beginning to 2nd. guesss my Dr...
   — LeeAnn W.

July 4, 2004
Low blood pressure can be a significant problem. I had it at that stage and it went away on it's own when my iron was at the correct level. I am now nearly 3 years post op and have normal BP. Who is this horse's -ss of a doctor? Your surgeon or PCP? Your surgeon would know better than to tell you to wait until "you faint while moving". What an idiot!!
   — LLinderman

July 4, 2004
As I started reading your question, I immediately thought gall bladder, as those were my exact symptoms. I too thought I had a blockage, but a sonogram confirmed the gall bladder and I had it removed this past Monday. It could truly be something else, but as you seem skeptical w/ regard to your Dr., you might want to seek an additional opinion. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

July 4, 2004
I had that problem the starting a few months after surgery, fluttery pain under my ribs, dizzy, hard to breathe, feeling like I was in a tunnel, hard to think. 9 months after surgery I passed out and broke my arm when I fell, so they got serious about finding out the problem. I had a potassium deficiency! I've taken liquid potassium ever since with no more problems.
   — Susan C.

July 4, 2004
It can still be gallbladder. If you have gravel instead of stones the gravel won't show up on an ultrasound. Yet that gravel gan still block the exit out of the gallbladder. I did have 3 smaller stones that showed up on the ultrasound, but lots of gravel once they got in there. You need to keep pushing them to figure out what is up. It could be any number of blood deficiencies too.
   — zoedogcbr

July 4, 2004
Have you been able to poop? I was impacted once and had side and back pains. Keep looking into this. SEE DOCTORS!
   — Danmark

July 5, 2004
Please do not wait. See another doctor soon. Don't let up on them until they find out what the problem is!
   — Denise L.

July 5, 2004
I fainted and was 911 to the hosp for emergency surgery a couple years ago. I had internal bleeding from PS. You have symptoms of something not being right, find another DR right away and tell them you're not leaving until they have a diagnosis. Best of luck!
   — ZZ S.

July 5, 2004
Thanks for all the answers. The Dr. that I went to done my WLS. I told him what I thought the Monday before I went to the ER. He told me to take tyenol for pain. There is no way that would have touched the pain. He has acted this way since I was 6 months p-o. Should I just find a new WLS Dr. or PCP
   — LeeAnn W.

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