Anyone in Vermont have any advice/experience about BCBS and Plastic Surgery?

I'm about to start a new job, and the insurance is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and I need a full body lift. I need to know if or what I should be documenting now as far as medical necessity, as I don't have a doctor yet and I don't want to trigger a pre-existing clause. How has anyone else had luck getting approved through BCBS?    — Becky K. (posted on July 5, 2004)

July 5, 2004
make sure you have documented with a doctor back pain, infection,skin rashes in order to have it medical necessary..and not for cosmetic reasons. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

July 5, 2004
hiya, I don't have BCBS, but I am from Vermont and thought I'd just say hello, don't get many other fellow Vermonters in here. I am going to be having a Tummy Tuck/Breast life at DARTMOUTH (NH) one month from now..... Kim
   — WABBIT F.

July 6, 2004
Welcome to Vermont! You'll need to document rashes, mention them at doctor's appointments, get prescription treatments that don't work, complain of back pain, and any other joint pain you're experiencing. This isn't the time to be a martyr...if it hurts, say so LOUDLY. Otherwise it will be considered cosmetic.... Best of luck. I haven't made it to the losing side yet, but I think that I'm getting close. Allee (from eastern Vermont)
   — AlleeM

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