My seroma keeps filling back up with fluid after being drained! Getting worried!

I've had my seroma on my leg drained twice, and it keeps filling with fluid. Last time, he even injected the antibiotic that was supposed to keep it from filling again, and no luck. I'm getting scared! Can a seroma just keep filling up without healing? Help!    — raye (posted on August 25, 2004)

August 25, 2004
I feel you! I had one in my abdomen and it was a real bear! Yes, they tend to keep filling as long as there is an inflammatory process going on- the antibiotic trick didn't work for me, either. These things need tincture of time. Be sure your doc stays ontop of culturing the fluid and making sure it stays sterile- You don't want an infection there, trust one who knows. It can get smaller and smaller, and finally heal- don't be too upset if it takes awhile, though. Also, be sure you keep pushing PROTEIN_ you need that to bond your skin together.
   — jomu

August 25, 2004
I had one after my TT; when draining didnt help; I went in for outpatient surgery and a Drain was put back in....
   — star .

August 25, 2004
Hi Raye, I am sorry you are having this problem. With my lipo on my legs I did have one seroma that my surgeon had to drain, but it didn't come back so I don't know what to say to you about it other than keep listening to your surgeon and eventually it will heal. Take care.
   — Hackett

August 25, 2004
I too had a seroma that filled back up every time it was drained. I had to go back in and have a drain put it once and then they put a wick (just a piece of gauze) in it so it would drain constantly. It wasn't any fun but seemed to be something that just had to run it's course. Hope you're feeling better soon.
   — ronascott

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