Non-diabetic gastric bypass post-ops having periods of very low blood sugar?

A small number of people in our support group have been experiencing bouts of very low blood sugar. They are not diabetic and the experiences do not seem to be related to the types and quantities of food (or drink) they are consuming. Endocrine work-outs have shown nothing remarkable in either case. Worsenning matters is that neither seems terribly responsive to the glocuse tabs to help increase blood sugar levels. Sensing that this issue may be more prevelant (particularly given how many of us were probably pre-diabetic), I am trying to compile some anecdotal information on this condition. So, has any one else experienced this problem and what were your results?    — SteveColarossi (posted on April 28, 2005)

April 27, 2005
Steve, Sounds like it could be alimentary hypoglycemia. You on the Grads Yahoo group? If not - get on over there, dude - a wealth of information - those folks are SMART! Here's the URL to join: Hope this helps! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

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