Is there a web site that can help me keep track of my food intake??

I hate writing down all my foods cuz it makes me feel like I am back in my Weight Watchers days, recording my points. But I bet that if I could do it online it wouldn't seem so diet like to me. I am imagining something that I can just type in what I ate today and it will help me with the approximate protein value. I know I have quite an imagination. But if anyone has any ideas for me or a cool website that will help, let me know. Thanks y'all!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 5, 2005)

July 5, 2005
   — Michelle E.

July 5, 2005
WWW.FITDAY.COM. It's a great web site, easy to use and understand and it's FREE!!!! Good luck.
   — Son-Son

July 5, 2005
Yes! is the best! I got tired of having to re-login every time (it times out), so I paid the $20 for the program and I've been using it and loving it! :-) I e-mail the database back and forth from home to work, so I always have it available to do input. It is great to keep track of everything, especially protein and carbs :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 6, 2005
Let me "fourth" the idea. Use the free version and get the hang of it, then definitely spring for the $20 download. It is a w e s o m e.
   — Jeanie

July 6, 2005
If your interested, there is some software you can get for about $23 that i first got in my nutrition class and continue to use today. Called Diet Analysis Plus Version 7.0 you can read about it and get it on I like it better than fitday.
   — Tammy N.

July 6, 2005
You can also get a computer program/CD-ROM from Best Buy or any other place that sells them. They have some great Food Log programs out there.
   — Miss KJ

July 6, 2005 you can use online (for free) and get most of the features or you can pay for the software and download it (inexpensive really) and get all of the features and that way it is on your computer instead of online! I use mine everday! PLUS, fitday let's you "build meals", log your mood, activities, exercise, measurments, weight, etc... IT ROCKS!
   — MagickalMom

July 7, 2005
There is a really great site that I You can use their website for free or buy their program. I bought the program and it is really great. Helps keep your food intake, protein, fat, carbs or whatever you want to track. Has a diary, food log, mood log, body log, weight log, activity log, etc.
   — Barbara D.

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