Anyone have thalassemia minor anemia or Cooley's anemia

Anyone have Thalassemia minor anemia or Cooley's anemia My friend Debbie is thinking about WLS. She asked that I check to see if anyone has had WLS that also has thalassemia minor anemia or Cooley's anemia. How about it? Have any of you had these same challenges? - J in Virginia Beach<P> Amos Mod Note. I am reposting this since the original question got hit by that BP bug:(    — bob-haller (posted on August 28, 2005)

August 28, 2005
Search did find this discussion. A member had WLS successfully!<P>
   — bob-haller

August 28, 2005
i have cooleys' anemia, had the surgery in december of 2003, i had no complications and have lost a total of 148lbs. now staying at 140lbs., stable and loving it please check ask any other questions i might be able to help with. tell your friend good luck and will keep in my prayers.
   — jean A.

August 29, 2005
Yes, I have thalassemia minor, beta chain and had my bypass 1/9/02. I was considered a lightweight at 252lbs. I lost 102lbs and have stayed right at 150lbs. I am sure I could lose more if I took the time to work out. Anyway, regarding your question. It has been difficult. As your friend would know, we don't absorb iron normally before the surgery. At my worst point my hemoglobin was down to 8.4 and my ferritin was 3.6 and I felt pretty tired and a bit week. I worked very hard with my PCP to get the hemoglobin up to normal (which is about 10-10.5 for me) and I felt much better. However, my ferritin (stored iron) never gets better than about 5. That isn't good news, but only a real problem if I get into an accident or something and bleed a lot. If that comes up, I'll deal with it then. Just to try to stay ahead of the game, I get blood work done every other month. I feel like I am rambling, so if you have any specific questions, feel free to email me! Angela
   — Angela T.

August 29, 2005
Oooops...sorry my surgery was 1/9/04
   — Angela T.

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