How do you know if you are eating too much?

I am only eating about 500 calories a day and feel good all day except at night I am getting hunger pangs. How do you know if it is truly hunger or just stomach pain from the surgery. I had the surgery two weeks ago and have lost 25 pounds and feel good other than this. Any suggestions?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 4, 1999)

August 4, 1999
Eat. I get hungry at night too. Just eat, don't worry.
   — Kyle C.

August 5, 1999
I never had any real 'stomach' pain. Suture pain, yes. But that didn't last very long. I did get very uncomfortable when I did not get enough fluid in my system. If you are hungery at night (which many of us are) have something and donot torture yourself. I like skim milk heated with immitation chocolate and sugar substitute. There are no calories for the imitation chocolate and sugar and the skim milk 'does a body good'. Good skin tone and helps me sleep. Good luck!
   — Wendy Sue D.

August 5, 1999
HI! How many "meals" are you eating a day. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day. So if you eat dinner at 5pm you need at least one more snack before bedtime. Sometimes I wake-up in the middle of night(you know for potty duty or whatever) and am hungry. It only makes sense----it's been 4-5hrs since I last ate. I will eat a small healthy snack, have a drink and go back to bed. Our bodies need so many calories to function each day. After surgery we absorb less calories, eat less bulk, so frequent small meals are needed. Good luck.
   — Penny W.

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