At my weight, 360 is it normal to be tender on my sides and belly?

I have heard that due to being heavy and your skin stretching its normal to be kinda tender in different areas. On my sides and especially on my belly I am very tender. is this normal?    — laucol (posted on September 23, 1999)

September 23, 1999
At 262 (5'1") there was NOTHING on me that didn't hurt. Even my gonue and inside cheeks. I'd wake up with them clenched between my teeth. My dentist said that once your face gets SO fat, the fat has to go inward, so there literally was no room in my mouth for my tongue when at rest. He might've been lying, but it stopped with the first 20 lbs. And my feet! Whoa! They used to lok at me when I'd get up in the morning and SWEAR they were simply NOT going to cooperate! Felt like standing on hot coals. Prickly hot coals. And wherever I slept, left side, right side, back, that part of me would go to sleep. Miserable. And some say we CHOOSE that life.
   — vitalady

September 23, 1999
I dunno about normal.. I don't think anything that happens when you are the size we are is. I am 410 and I also am pretty tender everywhere. If someone pokes me I just want to kill 'em all. Char
   — Char G.

September 24, 1999
Hi Laurie. I have tenderness and my Dr. told my that my diaphram was being pushed upward, causing this pain. I'm trying not to stuff myself. (bending over is terrible.) I'm waiting for approval from the ins. co. Have you had the surgery yet? Griffin
   — Griffin Kate P.

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