I suffer from Psorasis,

I am scheduled for Surgery on the 17th of March. I have psorasis (very itchy) on my hands and feet. I was just wondering if anyone elso that has had surgery also has psorasis and if undergoing the surgery made any positive or negative changes in the psorasis outbreak? Jeanie    — Jeanie W. (posted on February 21, 2000)

February 21, 2000
Jeanie, I was not diagnosed with psoriasis before the surgery. But I have been noticing that ever since I had open rny I have been suffering with dry scalp and dry itchy skin. My doctor says this is caused by the lack of fat in my diet. I have been using zinc shampoo and it has helped for the dry scalp. I have been using lots of lotion for the dry skin. XOXO's
   — Lady C.

February 21, 2000
I would try a product by the name of acid mantel. Ask your doctor about it.
   — Juli T.

February 21, 2000
I have psoriasis too, mostly on my hands. Right now it is really bad, and I think it may be because of my rapid weight loss. My skin has been dry all over since my surgery, and I think that is aggravating my psoriasis. Hopefully it won't last forever!
   — Lynn K.

February 22, 2000
I had it very bad on my scalp. It has improved so much I can't believe it. I also have lots of hair loss so I'm afraid when my hair comes back so will the psorasis.
   — hannah R.

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