Men of WLS, help!

Has anyone expreinced pain in the morning when you feel like you have been kneed in the testes. I sleep on my side and when I awake I feel I have been in a fight. I'm 6 weeks post op and otherwise feel pretty good. please help if you can, sorry Ladies feel free to heip if you can. Thank you.    — Lafayette K. (posted on April 26, 2000)

April 26, 2000
I'm not a guy, but I am a nurse. Does the pain go away after you are up and about? If it does it could be swelling in the area due to lying in one position too long. More likely though, it may be epididmyitis, inflammation of the epididimys on the testicle. I would strongly suggest that you call your PCP and probably your surgeon. The surgery should not cause any testicular pain. Get evaluated ASAP.
   — Jean S.

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