Has anyone had an epidural, then had a spinal headache?

I had a bad spinal tap when I was 17 that seized my whole left side. I had a spinal headache for two weeks, ( if you've never had one it is excruciating pain in your head and the only way to relieve pain is to lie flat on your back 24-7.) Then I had an epidural for a C-section that numbed me up to my neck when I was 34. I couldn't feel myself breathing and that was horrible. Then of course I had the spinal headache for about three days. I understand this epidural is different but I was wondering if anyone had this reaction. I now 46 and hoping things have improved with spinals. I'm 41 days pre-op.    — Wendy W. (posted on August 2, 2000)

August 2, 2000
From what I understand, if the epidural is inserted properly, you shouldn't get the spinal headache, and you shouldn't be numb up to your lungs. If they accidentally puncture the wrong membrane, you can get the spinal headache, like with a spinal tap. I would definitely discuss this with your doctor and anesthesiologist. Maybe there is something unusual about your anatomy that makes you more prone to these problems? I don't think you have to have the epidural anyway, so maybe you should go with a different method of pain relief.
   — Lynn K.

August 3, 2000
Hey Wendy: I can only relate my experience with epidurals with you. My first was with my first child. I, too was numb but just from the waist down. I got those spinal headaches and thought I would die. They lasted about 3 weeks. Then, with my second child I did not want one because of the memory of the first. I was having a lot of trouble with my contractions and my doc really wanted to relax me. When the doc. came in, I told him about my previous experience and he assured me that they had really improved their epidurals and I would not be so numb and I would not have headaches. I relented (out of need). He was right in that the numbness was much better. I could walk right after giving birth. BUT I did get a couple headaches in the hospital. Fortunatly, only a couple and they were not as serious. The doc was shocked I did though. If you are "prone" to headaches, I would discuss this seriously with the doc. I had general anesth. and did great. No side effects. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
   — Dot W.

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