How many calories do we actually absorb?

I had an Open/distal on July 31, 2000. If I take in something that is 200 calories am I absorbing all of those? I am attempting to follow my calorie intake each day as I think I should be losing at a little faster rate. I have lost 27 pounds so far. How would you suggest I do that (track my caloric intake) knowing that I am not absorbing everything I eat? Thanks    — Courtrina Amur W. (posted on September 18, 2000)

September 18, 2000
It depends on HOW distal you are, actually. And then 100 other factors. Since I am very distal, I figure I will absorb 10% of protein foods, 50% of protein drinks and 150% of ANY sugars that touch my lipis or skin. It isn't the calories we absorb or don't, so much, as it is the exact nutrients we absorb in portions. What we can COUNT on not getting are protein, iron, calcium, A, D, E, zinc and B12. Those shoudl be supplemented (in the correct forms) for ALL WLS pts. But for distals, the amounts will be much higher and then adjusted with each set of quarterly labs.
   — vitalady

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