How do I fight the fear?

I am close to being approved but, this is the hardest decision I ever had to make.I don't mine saying, I am scared. How do I fight the fear?    — stevie W. (posted on December 10, 2000)

December 10, 2000
I would suggest that you don't 'fight' it. Simply let it be. Fear is quite normal given a virtual stranger is going to gut you like a fish and an entire team of people are going to see you sprawled naked, snoring and under bright lights, while they put tubes into your bladder, up your nose, and down your throat. So, my philosophy is that which you can let be, will let you be. Don't resist the fear. Of course, I was also on Xanax (an anti-anxiety medication, like Valium) off and on, the week before surgery, but then I also believe in better living through chemicals. Where would we be without Valium, Miracle-Gro and Lysol Tub and Tile Cleaner? Hope that helps...
   — merri B.

December 10, 2000
What are you afraid of? The mortality rate is pretty much non-existent provided you have a good qualified surgeon! My Dr. has never in over 20 years had 1 patient die because of this procedure.He has patients that are well over 400 lbs. If you're afraid of surgery maybe you should see if he has a support group meeting for patients who have had the surgery they should be able to answer any and all questions.If you are severely obese the alternative is not as good as having surgery!!!
   — Thomas L.

December 10, 2000
Hi. As I read your post, I thought of the years I had suffered from panic disorder (with agoraphobia). I had such severe panic attacks that I didn't sleep at night, couldn't go over bridges (for fear that I would drive off one), couldn't even go out of my house for awhile there...I know fear, it is the strongest emotion BESIDES love! No other emotion can drive you insane like being scared. But, it is also a tool that can be used, that's right...I said used! I stopped having major panic attacks (after I went through withdrawal from Klonopin ~ anti-convulsant) because of an extreme feeling of faith in Jesus Christ (you could say I was reawakened to my faith!). I don't know what religion you are, but...use it! Use your faith to help you, and use the fear that is rocking your world against itself. Think of what the rest of your life will be like if you give into the fear. Find a meditation from your faith and chant it..I have told other people this...I recited in my head right before my surgery "Psalm 23" over and over...I fell asleep before I even had the anesthesia. Not too shabby, huh? If you think it would help, talk to your doctor about using xanax or valium before surgery, just remember that when you are in the hospital (postop) that you probably won't be allowed to have these outside drugs at first...but, being on a pain pump or whatever will help...and once you are over on the other side of this surgery, you won't be afraid. Fear of the unknown is a terrifying, if you need to talk or [email protected] I will answer any question you might matter what, okay? I will be here to pray for you, to talk to you, or to just listen. God bless and keep you, Terri
   — Terri G.

December 11, 2000
Fear is a normal emotion in a situation like this. Just to think that for several hours, you are putting your life in someone elses hands. You know your surgeon, but not the rest of the hospital staff. Please put everything into persepective. Do I want to have this fear for a few hours or do I want to live in constant fear that my health may fail me at any time. Believe me,when you go into that hospital, you will find an inner strength you thought you never had before. The most important thing is you will regain control of your life and health. You should not put your fear aside but think of it as CONTROL. Control of my life and health.
   — Jan M.

December 11, 2000
Know that everything is in God's Hands, and in His Time. What ever will be, will be. Read EVERYTHING about the surgery that you can get your eyes on. Read as many post-op stories as you can stomach!! Good Luck, and God Bless You --
   — CohenHeart

December 11, 2000
Stevie, not to offend anyone with a religious note, but prayer really helped me through it. Even better, prayer with someone else really helped. Good Luck- I will be praying for you if that is ok.
   — M B.

December 11, 2000
I was terrified, especially since I was a revision surgery. When I realized that the risk of a lifetime being morbidly obese was greater than the risk of surgery, I decided to go for it. I had a four-month waiting period from approval to surgery. Xanax helped me greatly, as well as attending to all the details necessary to bring my surgery off without a hitch. Fear is completely normal. It's part of the process. Best wishes to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 12, 2000
Steve, First get all the information you can get by researching. Then, place it all into God's hands by praying and askig Him to accept it and guide you. I asked God from day one to either approve or disapprove the surgery according to His will and I would follow and accept. I had smooth sailing the whole way! And believe me, there was a few times, I kind of wanted Him to stop the process! I felt peace of mind about it because of my faith in Him and His divine guidance. I hope you have a strong faith and can do the same. As they say "Let go and Let God."
   — Marilyn C.

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