Do most hospitals have larger size hospital gowns?

I've never been in the hospital before but my husband has. Even he has trouble "wearing" the "small" gowns they provide and I would need even larger ones. Hospitals that are used to treating bariatric patients would have these wouldn't they???    — Donda B. (posted on February 18, 2001)

February 17, 2001
When I had surgery on both of my knees in 1998, I called to make sure they were prepared , I asked if they had large gowns, wheelchair, etc. When I arrived there was everything i needed in my size. But when i went to the Mayo clinic in Rochester mn for pre-op tests and such for the RNY, I was surprised to find that a world famous clinic had no large size gowns, but I fooled them and Brought my own hospital gown that i bought at a company called "Amplestuff". so now i always bring my own gown. it is one less thing to wrry about when seeing a doctor. But the gown i have does not have snaps on the sides for tubes to go through so i am hoping the hospital will have larger gowns for my surgery. Call and ask them though. Carol
   — C. L.

February 18, 2001
My hospital also had the large gowns - and they were extremely large (what a nice surprise for me!). They were quite comfy, and I never used my own nightgown or robe. For some odd reason, they only had the big gown in my room after surgery. Before surgery in the prep area, they squeezed me into a regular size gown (squeeze being the operative word here). I figured I would be unconscious soon and didn't let it bother me.
   — kateseidel

February 18, 2001
My hospital did. If you wonder, why not call the surgical floor and ask the nurses. I could wear one as a gown and another backwards as a robe. I also took my own robe and slippers. And, after a few days, I changed into my own flannel-lined silk pjs. But, some people are hot, so keep that in mind too. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

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