When is a good time for LIPO after wls, I am 4 months post op and I have an appt.

When is a good time for liposuction? I am 4 months post op and I have an appt. coming up for a consultation, for lipo on inner, outter thighs, and lower arms, Should I wait longer????    — peaceangel58 (posted on March 6, 2001)

March 6, 2001
Please forgive me if I seem a bit miffed ... but why are you even looking into LIPO at 4 months post-op?? I'm a pre-op ... but I am in the medical field and I was under the assuption that this surgery led to the "burning up" of old fat cells. Also, that the full benefits of this surgery are most likely not seen until 12 - 24 months post-op. So why would you consider doin liposuction now when you aren't even a fourth of the way through the surgical recovery and weight equalizing period? Maybe I'm reading the post wrong or it was posted incorrectly in that you are looking into having the excess skin removed and not liposuction which is completely different. If so ... forgive my confusion and dismay.
   — [Anonymous]

March 6, 2001
Hey, Debra! Don't sweat that anonymous pre-op's comment...I am having my first plastic surgery consultations (two) this week. I have had the pleasure of speaking to a surgeon via email and having him speak generally about the photos I sent him. I really want to consult with him also, but he is out of state. I will nsult with two local surgeons this week, one at UAB when I can get my referral and appointment, and hopefully the out-of-state surgeon. I have learned so far that it is recommended to be within 15-25 lbs of your goal weight for best results. The surgeon can better gauge what procedure is best for your and will produce the best results. The more weight you lose, the more sagging skin you may have. Lipo alone won't do it for me. My bariatric surgeon won't give me a referral until one year post-op, which is next month. I'm starting now so I can thoroughly interview several surgeons to find the most skilled and willing to be aggressive about insurance approval. Welcome back from PCB!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 6, 2001
My surgeon requests that his patients wait until they are 18 months post-op before pursuing any liposuction or plastic surgery. This time frame allows for maximal weight loss directly related to the surgery, and toning & conditioning related to your increased exercise ability. His feeling is that it would be a shame to invest in a procedure prematurely that you might need/want to have repeated later. Remember too that liposuction will do little or nothing for the sagging skin that you will have when you are close to goal weight. Exercise and liposuction will only effect what's "under" the skin. My advice would be to save the "nip & tuck" until you are closer to the goal weight that you desire.
   — Diana T.

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