what effects does sleep apnea have on the surgery if any...

if i have it slightly... will hit hurt me for surgery or cause any complications? i have not been diagnosed with it....but i think i have a slight case of it    — teresa C. (posted on June 1, 2001)

June 1, 2001
This is a question that has been asked/answered a lot. I think your best resource for finding a lot of information would be to check the library page. Search for "apnea" and you will get tons of info. Hope this helps.
   — Shelley.

June 1, 2001
It helped me get approval. I had surgery in January I had severe Apena I have not had a since February I'm down 85# and no more C-pap machine. Good Luck Mike
   — Mike H.

June 1, 2001
Have you already been approved for surgery? I have sleep apnea I was diagnosed 4/17/00 and used a c-pap machine. I had an open rny on 4/18/01(ironic, 1 yr later). My doctor set up with a neurology specialist to see me while is was in the hospital. I did use my machine. I had no complications. It has been six weeks and I am already seeing a difference in my sleeping. If you have not had a consult yet the doctor may require a sleep study. That involves an overnight stay and you are literaly wired from head to toe to study you while you sleep. Lots of Luck to you.
   — Michele C.

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