Has anyone gotten pregnant post-op and taken paxil at the same time?

I am 18 months post op and at my goal weight. I just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant. I have been taking Paxil for 2 months. I dont see my obgyn for 2 more weeks but I asked him on the phone if I needed to stop taking the Paxil. He told me as long as my PCP feels I need to be on it then he has no problem with me taking throughout my pregnancy. Has anyone been pregnant and taken Paxil at the same time?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 13, 2001)

July 13, 2001
Sorry, no Paxil...but I have 2 Prozac babies. I just started on Paxil and am planning another pregnancy in the future. I would be interested to know, too.
   — Kathy831

July 13, 2001
My understanding based on discussions with my psychiatrist is that Zoloft or Prozac are the SSRI's of choice for treatment during pregnancy. From what I gather, it has mostly to do with the fact that they are more often prescribed drugs, so there have been more women taking them who have gotten pregnant - and therefore they have more evidence of the effect / lack of effect on the development of the baby. Perhaps you should call and discuss this with your PCP or ask either your OB or PCP to refer you to a psychiatrist for a medication consultation for input.
   — BethVBG

July 13, 2001
Oh honey, if I get pregnant post-op, I'll NEED paxil. Good luck and congratulations!!
   — Donna L.

July 14, 2001
Hi, My daughter was on Paxil throughtout her pregnancy with no problems. The Drs. felt maintaining her emotional stabitity was very important throught the pregnacy. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy 15 months ago. He is the best baby ever...slept throught the night for 9 - 11 hours after about 1 month! I kept teasing her the Paxil attributed to his mellow personality. good luck to you! Diane
   — Diane Z.

July 21, 2001
Hello, well I'm not post op yet, but I did take Paxil while I was pregnant with my last 2 children, and they are fine. As long as your pcp and ob/gyn know what you are taking and there ok with it, I wouldn't worry. Best of luck to you!
   — Carey N.

July 21, 2001
hi there! my sister takes paxil currently and her doctor told her she can still get pregnant with it! good luck to you!!
   — sara C.

August 1, 2001
I am curently 6 months pregnant. I became pregnant 7 months after surgery and I am taking 30 mgs of Paxil a day. I asked my OB about this on my first visit and she said that there really have been no studies done on Paxil and pregnancy. So there is no information. She left the decision up to me as to whether I wanted to stay on Paxil. I opted to stay on the Paxil and have had no problems. Goo dluck with your pregnancy and if you have any other questions you may e-mail me directly at [email protected]
   — Julie D.

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