I am wondering how long the receover period is for the Lap Adjustible Banding.

My husband is thinking about having it done and can not take alot of time off of work.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
My doctor, when discussing my options said the recovery time was remarkably quick. I think he said I would be out of the hospital the next day, and could go back to work in just a few.
   — [Anonymous]

August 9, 2001
I was out of the hospital the day following my surgery and was probably 95% recovered in 5 days. Some take longer than this, but some take less.
   — Shelley G.

October 27, 2001
I travelled alone to Mexico to have the surgery done. I was able to return home (to Virginia) 2 days later. I was back to work by that Monday.

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