Can someone tell me the total procedure -getting a filter put in pre-op?

I am VERY scared about having a filter put into my vena cava to prevent a blood clot traveling to my lung- i need to know all the details so I can get ready mentally for doing it. Please do help me out- imagining is so much worse htan the reality.    — jomu (posted on August 23, 2001)

August 23, 2001
hey, i am gonna email you and explain the whole procedure. i had mine done yesterday. 8-22-01. fun? NOPE but, i lived through it, and am able to pass my info on to those who want it. i will tell those interested.....i wouldnt want to go through it again!! 4 days till i pass to the other side!!!!!!!!!
   — Trisha W.

August 23, 2001
Go to the internet and do a search for "Greenfield Filter" and it will give you lots on sites to look at. Good Luck!
   — Terry A.

June 30, 2002
Hi, had mine done on June 24th, can't tell I had it. I just came home on Thursday..debi
   — Debra J.

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