Can a hiatal hernia be repaired with lap RNY?

I have a hiatal hernia and am having surgery Oct. 22. My post op is not until 4 days before surgery. Has anyone had this repaired with a lap RNY?    — Pam K. (posted on September 30, 2001)

September 30, 2001
My hiatal hernia was replaired in an Open RNY because the nature of the HH is that there is functional esophagus above the diaphragm. The surgeon has to pull and straighten out the esophagus and secure it. BUT the good news is no more acid reflux, no more asthma, no more GER and no more high blood pressure. Lost 45 lbs in 5 weeks.
   — Chris S.

September 30, 2001
i had a hiatal hernia and a lower abdominal hernia both repaired during my RNY..however it was an open procedure.
   — paula B.

September 30, 2001
I can't say for sure, but I am scheduled for a LAP RNY on December 3rd and my surgeon said they will fix my hiatal hernia at the same time. I can't wait to be reflux free!
   — Meredith P.

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