I'm almost 7 months post-op and all of the sudden my tummy is getting swollen?

I've noticed that the upper part of my tummy right below the breast bone is swollen and hard. It's rising like a cake in the oven!!!!! feels like a baseball.I don't feel pain but it feels weird...Has anybody experienced the same???? Thanks    — Monica J. (posted on December 31, 2001)

December 31, 2001
I had the same problem starting in month 6. My doctor said it was an incisional hernia. You better get yours checked out. If you can stick it in and out, it's probably a hernia.
   — Terissa R.

December 31, 2001
Here is a simple test to see if it is a hernia or not. Lay flat on your back and raise only your head up off the ground. Does your tummy bulge more when you do that? (Kind of like an alien is trying to come out?) Now lie completely flat again... does it go back to normal? If it does these things than you have a hernia... you didn't say if you had open RNY or not, but hernia's are quite common if you had an open vs lap. The good thing about a hernia is that if you are looking to have a tummy tuck... this will virtually guarantee your insurance covering it for you. Have it checked out and good luck!!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

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