How do you know when you are really lactose intolerant?

I am still pre-op and I know alot of post-ops become lactose intolerant. I have been a huge(literally,lol)milk drinker my entire life, I prefer it over anything. Some people have told me they may think I am lactose intolerant now because of frequent upset stomach and diarrhea. How can I test to see if I am? thanks    — LaKeAffy (posted on May 11, 2002)

May 11, 2002
Well, I found out at about five months post op that I was lactose intolerant. I snuck some brownies and a pretty good size glass of milk around Christmas time and got violently ill. I had severe nausea, and had to vomit. I assumed it was the brownies. However, being the hard head that I am, I ate more brownies a few days later and was fine. The only difference was no milk that time. And yet again, hard headed, and willing to push my surgery to the extreme I tried drinking milk again about a month ago (9 months post op), and became ill. So, I am now staying shy of milk ..until the mood strikes me again to try it. Also, if I have a small amount of sf or lf icecream I'm a half cup or so. If I go for seconds I get that same yucky feeling. So the moral of the story is, I think you will be able to find the pattern yourself as you eat certain things and avoid certain things. I have currently switched to the lowcarb way of life for a short time to get myself jump started again in loosing weight (five pounds gone so far this week...woohoo..for a grand total of 109) I am having a very difficult time with the transition because of being aloud to have so much dairy on this diet(vs. minimal amounts on the basically lowfat diet I was following until this week)I am without a doubt lactose intolerant as a post op of RNY. I was a big milk drinker pre-op too...but can say I don't really miss it all that much. Good luck to you! -Kim open RNY 7/17 -109
   — KimBo36

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