If I have a greenfield filter already am I still considered higher risk for surgery t

I have had a filter now for three years. I understood that I was fairly safe now from blood clots killing me by going to my heart or lungs. I feel at age 66 that I am in better health than someone with sugar, heart problems etc and they are operated on. I have had two blood clots, both after surgery. If I am put back on blood thinners immediately and have the filter, how much of a risk can I be? I wish a doctor or nurse would answer this for me. I also heal very quickly.    — Carol H. (posted on December 28, 2002)

December 28, 2002
hi Carol, I am a nurse but this is not a question anyone on this board should answer. If they do, they are giving medical advise. YOU should only ask your doc these kinds of questions, call him tomorrow!! Good luck
   — Delores S.

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