Has anyone noticed that Nutra Sweet slows

weight loss? I have heard this from a few sources now and I must admit when I started the Crystal Light 2 weeks ago my loss did screech to a halt. Now back on only splenda sweetened drinks the weight is coming off again. That is the only change I had made. I wish I was loosing faster but I guess 92 lbs in 6 months is pretty amazing. Wendy    — Wendy H. (posted on May 14, 2003)

May 14, 2003
What were your sources for this info? That is very interesting!
   — ZZ S.

May 14, 2003
Congrats on your weight loss - you are doing great. I started drinking Crystal Light on the 5th day after my surgery and have had it almost every day since. I also eat popsicles sweetened with NutraSweet. I am 17 months post-op and have lost 181 pounds. I lost 120 of it the first six months then went two months with out losing. Then in the next 3 months I lost 40 pounds. I lost the last 20 after my tummy tuck and hernia repair. So I don't think it hurt me.
   — Patty_Butler

May 14, 2003
Back when I belonged to an atkin's yahoo group, I recall that some people did notice a slowed weight-loss when drinking/eating nutrasweet sweetened products. I haven't noticed it it must be one of those things where your milage may vary.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 14, 2003
Artificial sweeteners have always caused me to retain fluid and made my ankles and hands swell. They also stimulate my apetite. Everyone responds differently so I think for some of us, it's just better to stick with either unsweetened or sweetened with Splenda if it works...You've done an awesome job with your weight loss. Keep up the good work and remember, in all things we must do what works for us and that takes some trial and error.
   — Teri D.

May 15, 2003
Dr Atkins says that anything other than Splenda is off limits. For those with serious carb intolerances it may stall their weight loss. It doesn't affect me, but a friend of mine has to stick with Splenda only.
   — Dana B.

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