stomach pain

Im 7 and a half weeks out , no problems at all til now , for the last week it feels like some one slugged me in the gut , it hurts from my ribs all the way to my back, around the middle area, it doesnt hurt any different if I eat or drink , I dont throw up but it realy hurts . I dont want to bug my surgeon for nothing, but Im haveing a hard time with this, ANY input would be great    — jessie J. (posted on October 4, 2003)

October 4, 2003
Please call your doctor as soon as possible. I am just recovering from a complete bowel obstruction. I was 10 weeks out. I had pain that radiated through my back and vomitting. It was life-threatening. I'm not saying that it is that, but better safe than sorry, especially if the pain isn't going away. I'm sure your doctor wants to know of any pain you are having. Take care of yourself and be your own advocate. I hope that you are feeling better soon.
   — Holly M.

October 4, 2003
Hi, I spent most of the evening in the ER with this very same problem. I had been having the pain in my left ribs and thru to my back. I went to my primary care doc and he thought my upper abd was swollen and tender to touch so he had me call my wls who told me to come to the hospital as soon as possible. I too had a bowel obstruction with resection the year before wls. They ran all kinds of tests and Thank God, nothing showed up that could be any problem with my surgery. My bowels had been moving every day until Thursday so it had only been two days without a BM> I also had not eaten or drank anything for two days due to the pain so I felt that was why i didn't have a BM. Well, the tests confirmed that I was full of stool high up in my colon and that was all that was wrong. So he gave me a laxitive and a pain shot and sent me home finally. My bowels have now moved and the pain is gone. But this is really something you need to call your doc about asap. It could indicate a very serious problem. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

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