Anyone had a C Diff infection?

On my third round of antibiotics for a C Diff intestional infection. Anyone else with RNY been affected by this? Any thoughts that the surgery would have contributed to my getting it or having it for so long?    — Nancy H. (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
I had a C Diff infection after my gall bladder emergency surgery last year. I got it from taking too many antibiotics according to my doctor. I didn't have the WLS surgery yet, but I know how you feel. It's not fun having Cdiff. I hope it clears up for you soon... mine lasted over 2 weeks.
   — Jennifer G.

October 14, 2003
I got a c-diff infection during open RNY last year, which resulted in a two-week hospitalization and $114,000 hospital bill! It's NOT fun. Hope yours clears up soon.
   — PEARL B.

October 14, 2003
From what I've read C Diff is a "yeast-type organism that takes advantage of a significant decrease of the "good" intestinal flora that normally keep the "baddies" under control". So ask your doctor if its alright for you to take L. Acidophilus. It helps restore natural flora to your system after taking antibiotics. Its cheap and you can find it over the counter at Wal-Mart.
   — Renee A.

October 15, 2003
I just got out of the hospital two weeks ago with C-Diff. My RNY surgery was in May, the doctor doesn't think it had anything to do with my WLS. I am a nurse in the ER, and probably picked it up from one of my patients. It is contagous. I am still on Flagyl for it, and hope to never go through that again. I was very ill.
   — Robin T.

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