What is a keloid former - and keloid scarring?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on September 5, 1999)

September 5, 1999
Well curiosity finally got the better of me since I've never heard this term before and went in search of ... KELOID ... is a great site to define and illustrate what it is and how it's treated. Take Care!
   — Sherrie G.

September 6, 1999
The amateur description of keloid? The scar thickens and becomes red, or bright purple. It feels like a rope running under the skin and often looks like a red worm. It pulls and burns and itches. That's average keloids. Some folks get HUGE ones. Mine have all been tamed by a dermatologist who injects 'em with a low dose of cortisone. They lie down flat again and I use Scargo to fade them out.
   — vitalady

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