I have a pain at the top of my incision when I lay down flat or on my side is this

Sorry, I hate it when other people double post but now I understand. ) I had an open Rny on 6/26/00 and have not had many problems. Altough I have a pain at the top of my incision when I lay down flat or on my side is this normal? Is it my "new stomach" and is just tender becouse it is not healed yet? Or should I ask my doc about it? I don't see my doc for 2 more weeks. Thanks for ANY help    — Paula G. (posted on July 5, 2000)

July 5, 2000
I had this same pain until I was about four weeks post-op. I couln't lie down flat or on either side, and it really bothered me because I'm a side-sleeper! I slept propped up on pillows until I accidentally discovered that the pain was gone and I could go back to my usual sleeping posture. I don't know why this area probably is close to the newly formed pouch which is healing. Of course, if it gets worse or you run a temp or develop wound discharge, you should call the doctor. Hope this helps.
   — Mary F.

July 5, 2000
I am 4 1/2 weeks post-op. I have pain on the right side of my incision. There is also a small lump there. I've had this pain since my surgery, but it seems to be getting worse over the last few days. I'm sleeping on my sides, but it hurts like crazy every time I turn. Sitting up doesn't seem to bother it.
   — Sandy S.

July 5, 2000
I too experienced this pain to about week three post-op. The pain is the healing, and bruising from the surgery. It helped me to take an ibuprofin.
   — twenc

July 5, 2000
I had this same pain , turning from side to side was an ordeal. I figured it was normal since I saw the slide show on the open RNY (which I had) and figured I just had my insides rearranged , big TIME!! It got better , you will too! In case it does feel worse to you , do call your Doctor. God bless you and good recovery.
   — Rose A.

July 5, 2000
I am 13 weeks postop and still cannot lie on my side. When I try it feels like my incision is being pinched, very uncomfortable. I remember when I first came home from the hospital and slept on my back that it took a few minute for things to stop hurting. I think what you are experiencing is perfectly normal. Hang in there and it will get better.
   — rinnchris

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