I take Depo Provera for birth control. Will I need to stop taking it prior to surgery

   — jamie H. (posted on October 28, 2001)

October 28, 2001
Hi, I was on Depo for a about a year before my surgery. My doctor required that I be off Depo for 15 weeks before having surgery. She only required that I be off bc pills for 2 weeks before, so after I took my last depo shot 15 weeks before surgery, I converted to pills and used them right up until the 2 week deadline. Her reasoning is that since Depo is hormonal just like pills, it can cause an increase in the risk of blood clots after surgery. I don't know how much real risk there is, so I would simply follow the instructions of your surgeon. After surgery, I waited 2 weeks and got right back on Depo because I just don't trust the pills to be absorbed with all this rapid weight loss.
   — Angelia M.

October 28, 2001
My doctor also said to continue it, in fact he insisted, stressing how important it is not to get pregnant too soon after surgery.
   — Deborah W.

October 29, 2001
I have been on Depo for 6 years and just had Lap RNY on 8-15-01. My dr instructed me to take it normally, After being on it for this long it can actually be more damaging to stop taking it prior to surgery. Every surgeon is different though, be sure to ask.
   — Staci P.

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