Am I NOT drinking enough water

Hi Everyone: I am trying to get all of my water in everyday, but on those days when I can't, I have a "burning feeling" like a bladder infection. But as soon as I get about 8 ozs of water down when I feel the burning, it suddenly goes away...Am I having a kidney problem or is this my reminder that I am not getting enough water or liquids....Should I contact my Dr????    — Joi G. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
Simple. Drink your water. That's what your body is telling you.
   — [Anonymous]

November 7, 2001
Joi - Please drink your water... it is helping you heal faster and it is helping you loose weight. I was NOT a water drinker before my surgery, and it takes some getting used to, but now (at 6 weeks post-op) I don't have any trouble drinking my 64 oz.. In fact, I'm getting to where I really LIKE water, lol! Push it hun!
   — [Anonymous]

November 7, 2001
No, you are not getting enough water if you are drinking somewhere around 8 ozs. You need 6 times that! Drink up.
   — Cindy H.

November 7, 2001
You do need fluids, but if you can't get down water (makes me nauseous), try Crystal Lite or sugar free Tang. SF Tang is hard to find in the stores, but you can buy it online at I lived on it for a year after WLS because I just couldn't choke down anything else. As for that burning sensation, you may have a UTI. I got one post-op from the catheter, it's not uncommon.
   — Leslie F.

November 7, 2001
I am pre-op and and have always gotten in about 60-80 ozs. of water a day. When I don't get in enough, I feel dehydrated, although dehydration is not why I started drinking so much. I have Sprite on occasion but I can't usually finish a whole one. I know it's too much to ask of a lot of people, but if you cut out the extraneous beverages like soda or tea or coffee and just drink water when you're thirsty, you'll get addicted to it. It really cleans you out (clears up that acne too of that's a problem) and makes you feel so much healthier. The longer you keep it up the less thirst quenching anything else will be. I am in Florida and I carry a water bottle around with me all the time, so here, that doesn't look weird. I don't know about other places. My boyfriend is from NJ and thinks its odd, but it really helps to have it on you all of the time. Gulp here, gulp there. And if you still haven't gotten enough water by the end of the day, just guzzle guzzle guzzle, lol. Dehydration can be a serious problem, and I hear that when you are losing and dont get enough that you can get kindey stones. I would definitely talk to my doctor if I were experiencing pain. I've heard of some people who couldn't get enough water in post-op, so they had to go to the hospital and get put on an IV. Really, just make friends with water and you may be surprised that you fall in love with it...and save all of those other drinks for when you go out to eat or have a party or special occasion. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

January 23, 2002
I also have that problem and now I have a urinary track infection which I'm having problems getting rid of it. If I don't drink enough water, my urine is not acidic enough and the infection loved a non-acid environment. The long and short of it is that you MUST drink fluids or you will have problems with urinary infections and possible later kidney damage. Take care of yourself.
   — [Anonymous]

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