Has anyone else had psoriasis all over their body, and did it cause

any problem or delay in having surgery? I have several types of psoriasis on my body, and have some that are like boils on my abdomen, midriff and breasts. These do not clear up for months and months. They have scabs over them and "look red" around them but that is just the healed skin. The first surgeon I consulted in Gainesville, FL said they would have to be cleared up before he would consent to operate. I am seeing a new surgeon, here in my home town (experienced surgeon, now just begining to perform WLS surgeries) on Nov. 12th. I am apprehensive about what he may say about the psoriatic areas. I would appreciated hearing from anyone who may have had similar experiences or knows about some one who did. God Bless all of our AMOS family!    — Christine B. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
I have Psoriasis on my arms, legs, back, scalp, and hips.... My Psoriasis was never mentioned at all in any consults or conversations with the surgeon in regard to my WLS.... I had OpenVBG on 06/11/01....(I've lost, as of today, 96 lbs!! hooray!)
   — Cathy J.

November 7, 2001
I had it too, and it was pretty bad due the stress of the surgery. It did not effect my surgery at all, but it did clear up completely for about 2 months after my surgery. I don't know why, I sure loved it. Unfortunately it did come back.
   — [Anonymous]

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