I am one month pre-op and will likely not see my doctor,

Dr. Shawn Garber (in NY)until my surgery date. When am I supposed to receive the post-op diet, stages, recommendations?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 9, 2001)

November 9, 2001
I didn't really recieve the post op diet until I was out of surgery. I had been told broth and jello at one point, but didn't get anything formal until I was finished with the surgery. It was broth and jello the first week...sugar free jello. You might want to call your doctor's office and ask about this, just in case you want to have a few groceries around for when you come home. Hope this helps!
   — Sherri R.

November 9, 2001
Hi, I have the same Doctor and he gave me that information at my first visit. You should call and ask perhaps they can mail it to you. Good Luck, he is an awesome doctor so you are in good hands.
   — Becky B.

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