MA - Massachusettes Surgeon who will work with you on getting Ins. Approval

Does anyone know of any Surgeons in Mass that will do this I had my Surgery At Newton/Wellsley Dr. Thayer and will ask him I have Tufts Ins But would like a little help thanks Chris    — chris N. (posted on January 27, 2002)

January 26, 2002
I'm really not sure if this is true or not, but my surgeon's office also said that they have heard the same "story." I don't know exactly which kind of plastic surgery you're looking for (which body part I should say) but I have heard that if you are willing to donate the skin that the surgeon removes, the The Shriners Burn Institue will do the procedure for free......I guess it's worth looking into?????? Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

January 27, 2002
Unfortunately, the rumor that you can get someone to pay for your plastic surgery by donating the skin is absolutely false. Skin from a live donor is never used for burn patients or anyone else for that matter. Your best bet is to have your WLS surgeon and/or PCP write a letter of medical necessity. If your excess skin is causing other health problems like skin infections or back problems from carrying around the extra weight, insurance is likely to pay for it.
   — garw

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