Did anyone else watch the Gastric Bypass Surgery on MTV??

I was watching MTV and I was disturbed that they aired the Gastric Bypass patient with other types of plastic surgery. I mean here was this girl struggling with her weight and WSL and then they break away to two girls in beverly hills getting nose jobs and lipo?!?!?! I am glad that they are showing this on MTV, but they make it seem like plastic surgery when they air it with other plastic surgeries!!! I just feel like WLS was misrepresented, anyone else see it?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
I e-mailed Julia with this concern- she is a member here. I had the same idea as you: but here is the deal... MTV didn't know about gastric bypass or what it entailed. Now that they do, they are planning a story just on WLS! They were misinformed, and now they are not. On another note, how about that body glitter guy- what a joke! Or the plastic surgery girls- I guess when they do certain cosmetic surgeries you lose your IQ?
   — Karen R.

February 11, 2002
BTW, Julia, the gastric bypass surgery recipient, was a great example to people thinking about this surgery. She was an excellent "case study" and I felt they (MTV) showed her in a much better light than the others showcased.
   — Karen R.

February 11, 2002
I saw that too and I was also kinda shocked that they showed it with the two valley girls and that conceited joke of a man. Implants in his calves. hahaha!
   — Dawn H.

February 11, 2002
i think the wls woman was 100% more appealing than the air heads. wls is cosmetic surgery. being obese is a worse stigma than the fear of loss of a limb in our society.
   — michelle R.

February 11, 2002
I saw that show as well. I guess for me I felt like it showed WLS in a good light. I mean it showed her doing it for her health and then the air heads going it to make an attempt at playboy. Now for glitter boy I hope his freakin implants slip up and he wakes to find himself with a nice PERKY boob job! Sound bitter? Perhaps I am! lol
   — Sassy M.

February 11, 2002
I thought the one that looked the best after surgery WAS the fat girl. And, she had the greatest change. Even the guy's (with the calf impants) friends thought he was weird. And the two Playboy Funny's.....sheesh.
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 11, 2002
I give huge kudos to Julia for going on TV and showing what WLS can do for people. I thought she had more brains in her little finger than both of those two airheads combined. Also, I'm surprised that guy could be with other people in a room, his ego must take up half the space. I was a little put off that they called WLS plastic surgery, but oh well. At least it was portrayed properly.
   — Toni C.

February 11, 2002
People at this site get so upset when others don't take the need for this surgery seriously. I don't understand all of this judgemental bs when it comes to other peoples surgeries that are just as important to them. Of course a life saving surgery is more important and US. But to someone else, their insecurities about their looks, however shallow to others, can be just as emotionally crippling. Everyone here wants acceptance, but so few are willing to return the favor.
   — [Anonymous]

February 11, 2002
Yes! I saw that stupid show and was so mad that they compared trivial plastic surgery with a life-saving surgery like gastric bypass. MTV should be ashamed!!!
   — Terissa R.

February 11, 2002
I missed this! Is it going to be on again? Is the Julia Julia M. ? Thanks!
   — crishsapig

February 11, 2002
I can't HELP but comment about this MTV program. 3 words..THANK THE LORD..we are "just" fat and not DUMB like those girls..and "glitter boy" (thank you Connie). Can you imagine living in a world where the ONLY thing you have going for you is your looks? How sad and pathetic. And I thought I had "issues". I am still fuming at the stupidity of these people and how their lives revolve around their looks. Just think, in 10 years, no make that 20, those dorks will look back at this tape and say "AH MA GA, I look like so totally dumb in that show". ANDDDDDDDDDDD...about that SNAKE of a plastic surgeon trying to talk the brunette into lipo which she had NO intention of doing. Now THAT is a trajedy too. I do have to say that the fact they they coupled the WLS with plastic surgery did not bother me, nor did I think about it untill reading the posts here. MTV is just jumping on the media bandwagon of WLS. Thats fair and true, they are becoming more educated. To glitter boy...hmmmmm..he and his calves are STILL single. Can you beleive it? looked great!!!!!!!!!!!
   — Julie D.

February 11, 2002
I was soooo glad they had that on MTV. alot of people that watch MTV needed to see morbid obesity in that light. it really did bother me that the name of the special was plastic surgery but i thought they spoke about it very well. I wanted to slap the girls as hard as i could and I am glad the guys friends made fun of him, especially when someone said he had fake boobs in his leg, that was so funny! I was really really upseted by the doctor trying to talk the girl into lipo. HELLO! she was already really skinny and did not need it, how dare him actually suggest that.
   — LaKeAffy

February 11, 2002
I saw the show too and it was great. The only thing I would have changed was that they not put WLS in the plastic sugery category. As for "Glitter Boy" he had a great body, but no surgery could fix from the neck up, inside and out! Julia is so brave for going on TV, her body got smaller and her smile got bigger! I am so proud of her.
   — Angela S.

February 11, 2002
I want to see her profile!! How do I get to it???
   — Heather H.

February 11, 2002
I hope she doesn't mind, but I did some searching and found her profile...
   — [Anonymous]

February 11, 2002
Hi Guys!! I didn't mean to post anonymously I guess I clicked wrong.... but thanks for all your responses, nice to see I wasn't alone. Just for the record I wasn't against anyone who was having plastic surgery I might need some when I loose all this weight too (smiles*), but the way they made it look was like this is as quick a fix for ones self image as calve implants, or what have you. I never heard of implants saving someones life, like this surgery, and that was my point. I just think there are fine lines of acceptance, and its hard enough letting people know that this is going to save my life when its lumped right next to a nose job on national television. But Julia was very inspirational and represented us well!!! We do desereve our own segment!!! God BLess....
   — Marleen M.

February 11, 2002
Hey anonymous dont get your knickers in a knot and atleast have the balls to post your name. Lighten up we didnt say they couldnt or shouldnt have the surgery REREAD! I think what was said was WLS shouldnt be grouped with cosmetic surgery! I find anonymous comment A COP OUT AND A JOKE NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY unless it is a private matter. And now for the rest of the story...........
   — Sassy M.

February 12, 2002
Hi all! Thank you guys for all your wonderful and postive comments. I was so thrilled to be able to do a story on Gastric Bypass from a real persons point of view. I know we have Carnie's story, and it is wonderful. But I always like to hear about people just like me. MTV producers were not aware of what the surgery really was, they were under the impression that it was plastic surgery and that is why it was lumped in with that story board. Once they filmed everything and got to live my life for a bit they realized the difference but at that time it was too late to lumped it with something else and they were definately going to drop it either. As far as them doing a whole show on Gastric Bypass I have no idea. They said maybe if they get enough responses from it. So we will wait and see. But if they are game I am too. LOL This site is incredible!!! I was fortunate enough to have found this site right before I had surgery and I want to THANK everyone that encouraged and continues to encourage and support me and everyone else here. Some days you just need to talk to someone that is there with ya. And this is the place to do it. Ok I have babbled enough for today, if anyone wants to email me feel free to do so. I try and check it daily. I love to talk so no you are not bothering me. LOL My hope it to be able to help if I am needed too. Once again thank you guys sooooooo much. Hugges and kisses, Julia (yeah yeah the MTV girl)
   — Julia D.

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