Has anyone had foot numbness, burning and pain after surgery?

For the past month both feet have become numb and now they are starting to burn with pain. No circulation problems. Taking my vitamins. Any suggestions?    — Vicky C. (posted on February 19, 2002)

February 19, 2002
I don't know if this is what it is but after I had my first shoulder surgery I developed what they called RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy ) I would definatly check with your doctor about a possiblity... One of the major symptom of this is BURNING in the extremities. please let me know what happens... Boita
   — Bonita B.

February 19, 2002
I know that our bodies adjust and sometimes the back is effected. I had terrible back pain for months. It sounds alot like a lumbar problem with radiculopathy or a sciatica problem. Don't know for sure, but I would recommend seeing a chiropractor. They can tell you if that is the problem or not and treat it, if it is.
   — ZZ S.

February 19, 2002
Hi there. When I was 1 month post-op, I had the tingles in my thighs predominantly, and throughout my legs down to the tops of my feet. When I asked my surgeon, he and and his nurse both explained to me about a slight neuropathy from the length of time and positioning on the table during the surgery. Im 3 months now, and it has completely resolved itself. So much in fact that I forgot I had them until I read your question. I dont know if it is the same sensation though... much luck to you.
   — Rachel *.

February 19, 2002
Hi, myt mother and i had surgeries @ one year ago. her legs and feet went numb about 7 months post op. she went for mri's, specialists, etc... she figured it out quicker... more vitamin b. all better now.
   — Patricia C.

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